Being Earth Conscious

What does it truly mean to be Earth Conscious?

Well, in my understanding, it is that you respect the Earth so much that you take action by making changes in your life to limit the impact you have on the Earth as a whole.

In the last 30 years there has been an increasing awareness on the behalf of the planet among many varied groups across the nation and around the world. People seem to be working toward creating a world that is more compassionate and caring. But there is an inconsistency developing in the actions and activities in many of these festivals to which many attendees and educators are blissfully unaware of and continue to support with no regard to the consequences.

So I will ask you; If you are an Earth Conscious individual who believes your actions can effect the world as a whole how can you still support the exploitation and consumption of conscious, sentient beings who share this Earth with you?

Being Earth conscious means
you should be acting in a manner consistent in all aspects of life.

it's what it all boils down to.

Things like "Humane Meat," or "Meatless Mondays" and sayings like "I respect the animal" do nothing but give the consumer a feeling that they are doing good, when in the end the animal is still brutally murdered. You are not respecting a living being by acting with respect in mind and giving thanks to the animal as you murder it, or blindly pay someone else to murder it for you as you consume its flesh. Murder is a disrespectful act.

This idea of respecting the Earth by not harming it includes, must include conducting yourself in a manner that does the least of harm to the least of the Earths inhabitants. Not only is consuming animals in direct violation to what is best for the animal, but exploiting the animals for personal gain is equally in violation of the concept of respect. When you force any living being to perform tasks of any kind it is slavery. Our animals are slaves to the will of man, they are not free and have no rights in todays world. You have to be their voice.

Once you realize that respecting the Earth and treating it accordingly is important, you have to look at what actions you take that are done with respect to it and all that are a part of it. We share this planet, and as the dominant species it is our responsibility to care for those who are not capable of voicing their grievances.

Animal exploitation, petting zoos, pony rides, teach children at a young age that it is okay to exploit animals, and have NO PLACE at events that are supposed to be raising awareness and in support of Earth Conscious living. Exploitative events like these lead to lifelong disrespect for animals and ultimately for human beings. Though many who live in cities believe petting zoos are a good thing and enjoy the sentiment; "How can my child get to meet a goat otherwise?" is no excuse for the animal exploitation and abuses that occurs at and away from these events.

These animals did not sign up to be there for you to pet, and while they may look like they are enjoying it, who are you to say they are? It's not their choice to be there, given their druthers animals would rather just be doing things animals do, not performing tasks for a handfull of grain.

In most cases these animals are hauled around in hot cramped cages and treated disrespectfully both by children at the petting zoo and the "handlers" or owners while away. And there is no way to know. It's best to err on the side of caution. An option would be to take your child to a farm santuary and volunteer for a weekend here and there if you want them to meet a goat.

Animals are not here to be used.

Earth Conscious events are supposed to be enlightening events...
there is nothing conscious about exploitation.
