Consuming with Compassion

It is of vital importance to know that living a compassionate, peaceful life is dependent on finding a harmonious state between the aspects of MInd, Body, and Spirit. The Vegan philosophy and way of life provides a perfect balance between these three vital aspects of the human experience.

It is good for the MIND, in that the matter you consume promotes this harmonious state of wellbeing, it is good for the BODY in that you are no longer taking in much of the harmful Carcinogens of the Western Diet also known as SAD (Standard American Diet), and it is good for the SPIRIT as you are not taking in the dead bodies of sentient beings, but are instead consuming vibrant living matter that is full of all the vital nutrients that make the human body thrive.

To understand how living and consuming compassionately can change your world and the world as a whole you have to know how to get there. You have to know these 8 truths:
  1. Get the facts straight.
    • Much of what you have been told in school is a lie, perpetrated by the people who paid for the printing of your text books and food pyramids. 
  2. Understand that Veganism is not a diet.
    • Veganism is a way of life that removes one from the cycle of enslavement, rape, and torture of sentient beings.
  3. Nutrition truth 
    • Human beings are not physiologically designed to digest meat, which is incidentally why you have to cook it. No, we are not Carnivores. Contrary to popular belief, the human body was never intended to consume animal flesh. Non of our biological evolution suggests that we have always been carnivorous. Our digestive system is herbivorous as are our teeth, jaw, eyes, and metabolism. Look it up!
  4. Waking up to cruelty
    • The Animal Agricultural Industry has been lying to the public with propaganda campaigns designed to convince consumers that their practices are humane, that their products are safe and that they care about their animals.
  5. Expand your education, information is power
    • Learn about what is happening to the environment due to the Agricultural Industries and use that information to make a positive change in the world. 
  6. Vet your information… double check, don’t take our word for it
  7. Doctors don't know... 
    • Modern medical doctors have received little to no training in nutrition. Doctors can only treat symptoms as they have no training in preventative care. Preventative care would cripple the medical/pharmaceutical industries. They do not want cures, they want patients.
    • Eating Vegan helps keep you out of the doctors office.
  8. Focus on eliminating processed foods.
    • Expand your palate and embrace change, try cooking again. Remember, your grandmother didn't grow up with a microwave and you loved her food. It's because it was made from scratch using the best ingredients. Processed food is bad for you because of the chemicals added that are designed to prevent the food from rotting. 
    • When processed food laden with chemicals enters the human body it can and does have long term adverse effects on the body, commonly called dis-ease. We say Dis-ease because your body is working hard to overcome something that should be easy. Eating healthy is easier than you think.
