The Ethical Vegan

There are many reasons people GoVegan, but the reason people stay Vegan is an awakened sense of Ethics and Morality. The very foundations of Veganism as opposed to the Dietary Vegan are rooted in the understanding that animals do not belong to anyone. They are their own.

The Ethical Vegan lives within the understanding that all creatures, all living beings, big and small have the same, should have the same rights as any human. The rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS. The Ethical Vegan believe that animals are not here to be used, exploited, abused, raped, tortured, mutilated, eaten, worn, or harmed in any way.

Veganism stands up to the culturally accepted norm that we, as humans, have "dominion" over them. We, as humans, are responsible for their well being. We, as humans, are not their masters, we are their family.

There is a disturbing sense irony that comes when I hear someone say, "I love animals, but I love to eat them too." The sentence, to me, is an oxymoron. The act of consuming a dead animal is not a loving, nor compassionate act. The ethics of such a statement are questionable at best. The proclamation is off balanced. Someone can say the love dogs, and hate cats, but they would still never think to eat a cat for the most part. But as far as the cow, pig, or chicken... our culture has a knack for inconsistencies.

To love an animal only for how it tastes is absurd. That is not love, it is selfishness, it is barbaric. In our culture we have deemed certain animals simply as food. We don't think of them except when we see one in a field or pasture somewhere and think, "Oh look at that happy cow." Where as the dog and cat live with us. But the Cow, we disconnect from her and call her flesh, "Beef, Steak, Hamburger, Ground Chuck" as her children become "Veal" so humans can steal the babies milk and drink it for ourselves and make cheese.

We as a culture are committing horrible atrocities and animals have no rights under the law.

They have no advocate, no voice, and no one there to defend their right to live.

The Ethical Vegan is their voice. Veganism is not a diet, it is a way of life that is dedicated to doing no harm, and to spread awareness and compassion.
