Be Dear to Deer

For those who know me at all they are probably aware that I am wild about a few things.. more so than all the other things that I am passionate about! I am nuts about -

  1. Greyhounds
  2. Cows
  3. Deer
Now, on to my "who the hell could run around in a forest armed with weapons with the happy intent of murdering DEER" rant.

I am aware of all the lame, untrue and egoic EXCUSES
  1. Conservation
  2. Starvation
  3. Road Hazards
  4. Food
  5. Trophy
  6. Tradition
Again - lame, untrue and egoic EXCUSES which are scientifically, humanely, and logically unjust. In reality the aforementioned ideas of self-righteous murder are in fact nothing more than convenience, greed, and lust. In case you have decided NOT to notice, we live in a society where no one has to run around and hunt & gather... unless they decide that somehow it is in their own, not others, self-serving interest. The "adrenaline-rush and thrill" that consume those that feel it from murdering another is as egoic and selfish as it gets. And stuffing and placing the head of another living being on ones wall is simply disgusting and barbaric. Deer population and nature ... is nature, murder is not a logical solution, and convenience should never be the reason to murder.. period. Change is liberating and awesome.. so become that awesome human being you are meant to be and grow & evolve

So.. be DEAR to DEER and ALL animals.
