
This is the kill counter from ADAPTT. This counter tells you how many animals are killed for food in the USA from the moment you click on the website. This does not include animals killed for fur, entertainment, science, or any other way. Just food. Meanwhile, worldwide, over 3,000 land animals are killed every second for food. Not for fur. Not for entertainment. Not for science. For no other reason than food. This means, when you break it down, that someone who just eats a vegan diet, saves 198 animals a year. 198 out of a over 150 billion animals killed for food alone. Seems small? Think again.

The truth of the situation is that every time you eat a vegan meal, you are performing a boycott, and therefore helping all 150 billion animals killed for food every year. Your spending money has power. More power than most people understand. If the animal products industry isn't making money, they're losing money - and trust me when I say that they're getting nervous.

Right now, 1 in 8 British adults is vegetarian. 10 percent of Swedes are vegetarian or vegan. Germany is home to over 7 billion vegetarians & vegans, and is the home base of the all-vegan supermarket chain "Veganz". And India? Well, as many as 40% of folks in India follow a vegetarian diet.

If they can all do it, why can't you? People say it's because of money, tradition, nutritional need... but the truth is, it's all because of your taste-buds. There is no reasonable reason to be personally contributing to the torture & slaughter of 198 living beings every year, when you could be saving them instead. Not a reason in the world.

You've seen the videos. We've all seen the videos. As a matter of fact, last night I saw the assembly-line slaughter process with a little pig. He walked into a chamber, looked around, and bam... Nails to the temple, nails to the brain, on both sides, and he was dead and being carried off for the rest of the "processing". It's disgusting what we do to these animals. And you know, the worst part is...that pig was lucky. He wasn't one of the chickens dipped into boiling water alive. He wasn't one of the cows strung up and throat slit while still conscious. He wasn't the "veal", the calf, beat to death because he wouldn't move to his own slaughter. That pig was lucky.

And I know, you don't want to hear it. And I know, you think I'm exaggerating, or being radical, or that it isn't really that bad. But the fact of the matter is, is that we live in a world where they discard half-formed baby cows, still kicking in their mother's wombs as her throat is slit, alongside the guts & intestines that they pull out of her to prepare her to be cut up into meat for your plate. And that's not even the worst of the worst.

It truly is torture. It is not just inhumane, but it is inhuman, what we do to these animals. I mean, in the UK, they're even making a horror movie with the premise of "what if we replaced dairy cows with women". Ignoring for a moment how horribly misogynistic this concept is, what does that tell you about how these animals are treated?

It is not right. Ethically, it is not right. It is wrong, through and through.

And you have the power to change it.
